What is the OpenNotes Drop-In Clinic? Monday, March 29, through Friday, April 2, for two hours each day, U.S. healthcare professionals are welcome to “drop in”, for just a few minutes or for the full two hours, to pose any questions to a panel of experts about open visit notes (“open notes”) and transparent clinician-patient communication.
News from OpenNotes
Open Notes in the Safety Net:
Open Notes in the Safety Net In this webinar and companion office hours session, two organizations serving some of the nation’s most diverse patient populations will bring to life lessons learned from implementing open notes in their organizations. Webinar Slides Download slides from the the presentation (PDF) Jump right to the section you want to…
Case Study: Open Inpatient Notes at UC San Diego Health Webinar Recording
In this webinar Brian Clay, MD—a hospitalist and Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO)—shares about the open notes experience at UC San Diego Health (UCSD), where he helped lead the rollout of ambulatory open notes in May 2018 and inpatient open notes in fall 2020.
Open Oncology Notes:
Research & Real-World Experience
In this webinar, Bertram Yuh, MD (City of Hope National Cancer Center) and Everett Weiss, MD (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) share their experiences practicing in an open notes environment. Rosie Bartel, a patient advocate and educator, shares about her experience as a patient who reads open notes, and how access to her husband’s oncology notes guided her family through difficult healthcare decisions.
OpenNotes in Scandinavia: The NORDeHEALTH Project
Under the leadership of Keane OpenNotes Scholar Maria Hägglund, PhD, NORDeHealth aims to grow patient online access to electronic health records, and increase self-management and transparency in healthcare within the four Nordic countries in Europe.
New survey data reveals 54 million people are able to access clinicians’ visit notes online
OpenNotes reports that well over 50 million patients registered on secure online patient portals can now access the notes written by their clinicians. Forty-eight new health systems launched “open notes” in 2020, marking a 10% increase in patient access nationwide.
Open notes compliance date extended to April 5, 2021
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) announced they are extending the compliance dates and timeframes necessary…
OpenNotes Grand Rounds Webinar: Sharing Palliative Care Notes
In this webinar, Christian Sinclair, MD, FAAHPM shares his lived experience as a palliative care physician sharing notes, observations about documenting sensitive topics, and electronic health record tricks and tips for sharing notes with patients.
OpenNotes Office Hours: Sharing Mental & Behavioral Health Notes
Due to a growing number of questions resulting from a U.S. mandate requiring clinicians to share progress notes with patients (including mental health notes), OpenNotes hosted two…
Reddit: “Ask Us Anything” about open notes on October 21, 2020
Hello Reddit, ask us anything about open notes on October 21, 2020! Due to a growing number of questions resulting from a U.S. mandate requiring clinicians to share progress notes…
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