If Ellen Godfrey has questions about what she discussed with her primary care doctor, she looks first to her notes. She says OpenNotes has helped her better manage her high blood pressure, and that reading notes has also enhanced her relationship with her doctor.
Communicating about OpenNotes is critical for managing expectations
by Ashley O’Brien SALT LAKE CITY, UT – The recent OpenNotes roll out at Intermountain Healthcare was hands down the most impressive we’ve seen, due in large part to tremendous communications efforts developed by Communications Manager, Ashley O’Brien. We asked Ashley to share some insights on their success. How did communications planning fit in with…
OpenNotes: Evidence is In
In this video OpenNotes co-founders, Tom Delbanco, MD, and Jan Walker, RN, MBA, share the results of the initial OpenNotes study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2012. And patients and doctors who participated in the study discuss the benefits of note sharing.
Shift happens, if you let it
by Casey Quinlan, the “Mighty Mouth” of Mighty Casey Media LLC RICHMOND, VA – Culture change requires … culture change. Shifting one person’s thinking about an issue is a heavy lift. Doing that with a group, particularly a highly educated group used to being the smartest people in the room? That can be a monumental…
OpenNotes and Adherence: Taking Medications More Reliably
Tony understands that taking medications is a part of his daily life, and he knows that if he doesn’t take them as prescribed, his health will suffer. He says having his doctor’s notes available to to him using OpenNotes, is like having another person remind him to take his pills.
Making Patients Partners in Real-Time Electronic Charting
by Stephanie D. Drobny, MS-HSL, RN, CPHQ – This form of team charting builds trust with patients and improves health literacy.
Why I hesitate to seek out regular and preventative care
by Mere Abrams, MSW, ASW SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Each time I go to the doctor, I pause before opening the door to the waiting room and take five deep breaths. I have no idea how I will be addressed, read, or referred to, even if it’s not my first appointment. As a trans nonbinary…
Mental Health OpenNotes Empower Patients
Stacey has a history of anxiety and depression. Her symptoms became worse after a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and she began seeing a mental health therapist who offered to share visit notes with Stacey. The notes help Stacey remember what was discussed at the visit and what she’s supposed to do between visits. She also…
Pushing for Partnership in Digital Health
by Michael L. Millenson – CHICAGO, IL – Could OpenNotes help push predictive analytics from paternalism to partnership?
OpenNotes is an Invaluable Tool for Caregivers
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