Healthcare providers who are tracking patient experience and patient satisfaction, take note: a new study reported yesterday in Science Daily provides evidence that we patients really like it when we can view the data you collected about us.
Even us over-50 ones, who are widely believed to be technologically not up to the task. (Fans of patient autonomy, like SPM member Hugo Campos, will like this too.)
Read the whole piece in Science Daily for more specifics, but here are a couple of hot spots worth circulating widely:
“…2,562 patients, mean age 50.4, including a significant representation of older individuals. … ‘The high level of enrollment among people in this age group demonstrates their interest in tools that may facilitate the management of their complex medical records and communication with their providers,’ Dr. Greco said.”
“Nearly all (96 percent) of the patients responded positively to having direct access to their medical images, and 78 percent viewed their images independently.”
Read e-Patient Dave’s full post on e-patients.net!