As health information transparency increases, patients may perceive important errors in their visit notes, and inviting them to report mistakes that they believe are very serious may be associated with improved record accuracy and patient engagement in safety.
Bell, Sigall
The Views and Experiences of Clinicians Sharing Medical Record Notes With Patients
In this web-based survey study of 1628 clinicians, most viewed note sharing positively (74% agreed that it is a good idea and 74% viewed shared notes as useful for engaging patients in their care), and 37% of physicians surveyed reported spending more time in documentation. Physicians with more years in practice and fewer hours spent in patient care had more positive opinions overall.
Empowering patients and reducing inequities: is there potential in sharing clinical notes?
Patients who read their clinical notes via online patient portals (‘open notes’) report that doing so engages them actively in their care, improves their sense of control over their health and enhances safety. In several surveys, patients who are older, less educated, non-white or whose first language is not English report even greater benefits than do their counterparts. However, for many reasons, persons from these demographic groups are less likely to use health portals than other patient populations.
A patient and family reporting system for perceived ambulatory note mistakes: experience at 3 U.S. healthcare centers
Partnering with patients and families to obtain reports on inaccuracies in visit notes may contribute to safer care. Mechanisms to encourage greater use of patient and family reporting systems are needed.
An Opportunity to Engage Obstetrics and Gynecology Patients through Shared Visit Notes
Objective: To assess obstetrics and gynecology patients’ interest in reading their ambulatory visit notes, identification of documentation errors, and perceptions of sensitive language through a quality improvement (QI) initiative.
Methods: Beginning April 2016, as part of a QI project all obstetrics and gynecology patients (except family planning) were invited to read their ambulatory visit notes and provide feedback using a patient reporting tool codeveloped with patients. Two physicians with safety expertise reviewed all patient-reported errors over the first 16 months.
Patients Managing Medications and Reading Their Visit Notes: A Survey of OpenNotes Participants
We examined patients’ perceptions of how note reading affects factors related to medication adherence. In addition, we sought to understand their engagement with online medication lists and their willingness to participate in keeping those lists correct and up to date.
Patients as diagnostic collaborators: Sharing visit notes to promote safety and accuracy
Error resulting from missed, delayed, or wrong diagnoses is estimated to occur in 10–15% of ambulatory and inpatient encounters, leading to serious harm in around half of such cases. When it comes to conceptualizing diagnostic error, most research has focused on factors pertaining to: (a) physician cognition and (b) ergonomic or systems factors related to the physician’s working environment. A third factor – the role of patients in diagnostic processes – remains relatively under-investigated. Yet, as a growing number of researchers acknowledge, patients hold unique knowledge about themselves and their healthcare experience, and may be the most underutilized resource for mitigating diagnostic error. This opinion article examines recent findings from patient surveys about sharing visit notes with patients online. Drawing on these survey results, the authors suggest three ways in which sharing visit notes with patients might enhance diagnostic processes: (1) avoid delays and missed diagnoses by enhancing timely follow up of recommended tests, results, and referrals; (2) identify documentation errors that may undermine diagnostic accuracy; and (3) strengthen patient-clinician relationships thereby creating stronger bidirectional diagnostic partnerships. The authors also consider the potential pitfalls or unintended consequences of note transparency, and highlight areas in need of further research.
OpenNotes and shared decision making: a growing practice in clinical transparency and how it can support patient-centered care
Prior studies suggest inviting patients to read their visit notes (OpenNotes) has important benefits for patient engagement. We utilized survey data to investigate our hypothesis that patients who read more notes would report greater shared decision making (SDM).
The Importance of Visit Notes on Patient Portals for Engaging Less Educated or Nonwhite Patients: Survey Study
Less educated and nonwhite patients using the portal each assigned higher importance to reading notes for several health behaviors than highly educated and white patients, and may find transparent notes especially valuable for understanding their health and engaging in their care. Facilitating access to notes may improve engagement in health care for some vulnerable populations who have historically been more challenging to reach.
OpenNotes In Teaching Clinics: A Multi-Site Survey of Residents To Identify Anticipated Attitudes and Guidance For Programs
Residents at 4 US institutions reported mixed attitudes about the anticipated effects of open clinical notes. Prior to actually sharing notes with patients, some residents perceived open notes would enhance patient education, engagement, and trust and offer unique opportunities in their own education, while residents also worried about personal workload and overwhelming patients. Most residents reported low frequency and quality of preceptor feedback on their notes. While some resident attitudes mirror faculty physician experiences, unique resident concerns merit focused attention and further research.