Prior studies suggest inviting patients to read their visit notes (OpenNotes) has important benefits for patient engagement. We utilized survey data to investigate our hypothesis that patients who read more notes would report greater shared decision making (SDM).
DesRoches, Catherine
Perceptions of Primary Care Notes by Patients With Mental Health Diagnoses
There are concerns regarding whether patients with mental illness should be provided with access to their electronic medical records. This study compared perceptions of patients with (n = 400) and without (n = 2,134) a mental health diagnosis regarding access to primary care clinic notes through secure online portals. Eligible participants viewed at least 1 clinic note during a 12-month period. Administrative data were used to stratify patients by mental health diagnosis. As we hypothesized, patients with and without mental health diagnoses had similar perceptions about online access to notes.
Ethical Challenges Raised by OpenNotes for Pediatric and Adolescent Patients
Sharing clinic notes online with patients and parents may yield many potential benefits to patients and providers alike, but the unprecedented transparency and accessibility to notes afforded by patient portals has also raised a number of unique ethical and legal concerns. As the movement toward transparent notes (OpenNotes) grows, clinicians and health care organizations caring for pediatric and adolescent patients wrestle with how to document confidential and sensitive information, including issues such as reproductive health, misattributed paternity, or provider and parent disagreements. With OpenNotes now reaching >21 000 000 US patients, pediatricians continue to query best portal practices. In this Ethics Rounds, we discuss 3 illustrative cases highlighting common pediatric OpenNotes concerns and provide guidance for organizations and clinicians regarding documentation practices and patient portal policies to promote patient engagement and information transparency while upholding patient and parent confidentiality and the patient- and/or parent-provider relationship.
Will use of patient portals help to educate and communicate with patients with diabetes?
Chronic disease management can require daily attention, and increased levels of patient activation and engagement. We examined whether patients with diabetes perceive a greater benefit to having electronic access to their doctors’ clinic notes compared to patients without diabetes. We hypothesized that easy electronic access to these notes may help patients with self-care by improving education and communication.