This survey used a Delphi poll – an established methodology used to investigate emerging healthcare policy, including in psychiatry. International experts who included health professionals and persons with lived experience of mental healthcare were asked to give their opinions, anonymously, in three rounds of online surveys, and to offer their views about the potential benefits and harms of online access to mental health notes. Experts – drawn from 70 experts from six countries – agreed patients’ access to their mental health notes could offer multiple benefits and few harms.
Torous, John
Open Notes Become Law: A Challenge for Mental Health Practice
Although benefits to patients’ having access to psychiatric notes have been documented, early studies involved patients’ access to hard copies they often reviewed in the presence of mental health professionals. … Clinicians worry about possible harms, and in surveys, many psychiatrists anticipate that patients will become confused, get angry, or decompensate when reading their notes. However, experience challenges the assumption that mental health notes should remain segregated because these patients “cannot handle it.” … Both anecdotally and in surveys, fears among clinicians have largely been unrealized, and we are not aware of any reports of harm to or legal action from patients accessing their mental health notes.
Preparing Patients and Clinicians for Open Notes in Mental Health: Qualitative Inquiry of International Experts
This study provides timely information on policy and training recommendations derived from a wide range of international experts on how to prepare clinicians and patients for open notes in mental health. The results of this study point to the need for further refinement of exemption policies in relation to sharing mental health notes, guidance for patients, and curricular changes for students and clinicians as well as improvements aimed at enhancing patient and clinician-friendly portal design.
Patient Access to Mental Health Notes: Motivating Evidence-Informed Ethical Guidelines
In the last decade, many health organizations have embarked on a revolution in clinical communication. Using electronic devices, patients can now gain rapid access to their online clinical records. Legally, patients in many countries already have the right to obtain copies of their health records; however, the practice known as “open notes” is different. Via secure online health portals, patients are now able to access their test results, lists of medications, and the very words that clinicians write about them. Open notes are growing with most patients in the Nordic countries already offered access to their full electronic record. From April 2021, a new federal ruling in the United States mandates—with few exemptions—that providers offer patients access to their online notes.
Association of Patients Reading Clinical Notes With Perception of Medication Adherence Among Persons With Serious Mental Illness
Surveys show that clinicians worry that patients with mental health diagnoses will become anxious, confused, or upset after reading their visit notes. In this study, we examined how patients with a mental illness diagnosis who read at least 1 clinical note in the last 12 months perceived how reading the note affected their adherence to prescribed medication.
Does Patient Access to Clinical Notes Change Documentation?
A variety of surveys have been conducted into patients’ and doctors’ experiences of open notes but much less is understood about the objective changes in documentation that may arise as a result of patient access. We review current research into open notes including clinicians’ reports on how they have modified their notes as a result of implementing the practice. Highlighting the potentially beneficial and harmful effects that different types of documentation changes might have on the therapeutic relationship and on patient outcomes, we argue that more research is needed to investigate objective changes in notes as a result of patient access.
Sharing Clinical Notes in Psychotherapy: A New Tool to Strengthen Patient Autonomy
Against the current shortcomings with disclosure practices in psychotherapy, healthcare is becoming more transparent and “open notes” —inviting patients to read their clinical notes via online portals—is a growing movement. Numerous health institutions in over a dozen countries have begun to share the health records with patients (5). In the USA, from November 2020, new federal rules mandate, with few exceptions, the sharing of medical notes; psychotherapy notes remain exempt from this ruling (6). Although fewer health organizations have chosen to share mental health notes (7), all patients have the right to understand their care (8). While many clinicians anticipate workflow problems from sharing notes (9, 10), studies suggest that clinicians do not experience major burdens to documentation practices (11–13).
Addressing the perceived challenges with informed consent processes in psychotherapy contexts, we propose that open notes may provide an important new strategy to strengthen patient autonomy and improve clinical outcomes without sacrificing professional autonomy.
Sharing clinical notes, and placebo and nocebo effects: Can documentation affect patient health?
This paper connects findings from the field of placebo studies with research into patients’ interactions with their clinician’s visit notes, housed in their electronic health records, and proposes specific hypotheses about how features of clinicians’ written notes might trigger mechanisms of placebo and nocebo effects to elicit positive or adverse health effects among patients. Bridging placebo studies with (a) survey data assaying patient and clinician experiences with portals and (b) randomized controlled trials provides preliminary support for our hypotheses. The paper concludes with actionable proposals for testing the understanding of the health effects of access to visit notes.
Sharing notes with mental health patients: balancing risks with respect
In the past decade, health institutions in over ten countries—including Australia, Canada, Sweden, and the USA—have begun to provide patients with access to their clinical records via secure online portals. So far, however, few health organisations have chosen to share clinical notes written by mental health professionals. Clinicians, especially those working in psychiatric settings, remain concerned that patients could become anxious, confused, or offended by what they read, and that sharing notes will create an extra work burden for mental health professionals.
Patient access to electronic psychiatric records: A pilot study
This is the first study to implement and assess the impact of patients’ access to psychiatric records in an outpatient setting. Although many questions remain to be studied and a more diverse sample is needed for future research, the potential impact to enhance mental health treatment and the patient-clinician relationship is suggested for selected psychiatric patients. Policy around providing psychiatry patients access to their notes can be informed by reactions of both clinicians and patients.