Using a national, longitudinal data set consisting of all ambulatory care physicians and advance practice providers using an Epic Systems EHR, we used an interrupted time-series analysis to evaluate the immediate impact of the policy change on clinician note length and time spent documenting in the EHR. We found no evidence of a change in note length or time spent writing notes following the implementation of the policy, suggesting patient access to clinical notes did not increase documentation workload for clinicians.
Clinician Views/Experiences
Sharing Clinical Notes and Electronic Health Records With People Affected by Mental Health Conditions: Scoping Review
PAEHRs in MHC may strengthen user involvement, patients’ autonomy, and shift medical treatment to a coproduced process. Acceptance issues among health care professionals align with the findings from general health settings. However, the corpus of evidence on digital sharing of EHRs with people affected by mental health conditions is limited. Above all, further research is needed to examine the clinical effectiveness, efficiency, and implementation of this sociotechnical intervention.
Patients Contributing to Visit Notes: Mixed Methods Evaluation of OurNotes
OurNotes interests patients, and providers experience it as a positive intervention. Participation by patients, care partners, clinicians, and electronic health record experts will facilitate further development.
The benefits and harms of open notes in mental health: A Delphi survey of international experts
This survey used a Delphi poll – an established methodology used to investigate emerging healthcare policy, including in psychiatry. International experts who included health professionals and persons with lived experience of mental healthcare were asked to give their opinions, anonymously, in three rounds of online surveys, and to offer their views about the potential benefits and harms of online access to mental health notes. Experts – drawn from 70 experts from six countries – agreed patients’ access to their mental health notes could offer multiple benefits and few harms.
Risks and rewards of increasing patient access to medical records in clinical ophthalmology using OpenNotes
Clinicians in ophthalmology perceived both benefits and consequences of increasing patient access to ophthalmic records, and there were significant correlations between these perceptions and their conceptions of the clinician–patient relationship. This is the first study to assess potential ophthalmology provider attitudes toward sharing ophthalmic records. Although limited in sample size and power, this study demonstrates some ways patient-accessible ophthalmic records can affect the clinical practice of ophthalmology and emphasizes the unique challenges of OpenNotes in ophthalmology.
Open notes sounds great, but will a provider’s documentation change? An exploratory study of the effect of open notes on oncology documentation
This study evaluated whether implementing open notes at a large academic medical center was associated with changes in measures of the length and readability of progress notes written by hematology/oncology clinicians. After the implementation of open notes, progress notes and A&P sections became both longer and easier to read. This suggests clinician documenters may be responding to the perceived pressures of a transparent medical records environment.
Physician Use of Stigmatizing Language in Patient Medical Records
This qualitative study found that physicians express negative and positive attitudes toward patients when documenting in the medical record. Although often not explicit, this language could potentially transmit bias and affect the quality of care that patients subsequently receive. These findings suggest that increased physician awareness when writing and reading medical records is needed to prevent the perpetuation of negative bias in medical care.
Open Notes Become Law: A Challenge for Mental Health Practice
Although benefits to patients’ having access to psychiatric notes have been documented, early studies involved patients’ access to hard copies they often reviewed in the presence of mental health professionals. … Clinicians worry about possible harms, and in surveys, many psychiatrists anticipate that patients will become confused, get angry, or decompensate when reading their notes. However, experience challenges the assumption that mental health notes should remain segregated because these patients “cannot handle it.” … Both anecdotally and in surveys, fears among clinicians have largely been unrealized, and we are not aware of any reports of harm to or legal action from patients accessing their mental health notes.
Changes in Clinician attitudes toward Sharing visit Notes: Surveys Pre-and Post-Implementation
Following implementation, more primary and specialty care clinicians agreed that sharing notes with patients online was beneficial overall. Fewer had concerns about more time needed for office visits or documentation. Most thought patients would worry more and reported being less candid in documentation.
Preparing Patients and Clinicians for Open Notes in Mental Health: Qualitative Inquiry of International Experts
This study provides timely information on policy and training recommendations derived from a wide range of international experts on how to prepare clinicians and patients for open notes in mental health. The results of this study point to the need for further refinement of exemption policies in relation to sharing mental health notes, guidance for patients, and curricular changes for students and clinicians as well as improvements aimed at enhancing patient and clinician-friendly portal design.